

Third Church shares mutual love and peace with our neighbors and local interfaith communities.

Christian Scientists have been part of the Tucson community since the early 1900s.
Alice Hoff, the wife of one of our mayors, was the first Christian Scientist in Tucson. She became a church founder, a Christian Science practitioner and was committed to the church’s individual ministry of healing. An article in The Arizona Daily Star, “Road honors husband of Tucson’s first Christian Scientist”, speaks briefly about her life.

The Third Church branch was established in 1973, by a group of Tucsonans who had been healed in Christian Science and wanted to join together to worship God.

Today, there are four Christian Science churches in southern Arizona.
1st Church of Christ, Scientist
3rd Church of Christ, Scientist
4th Church of Christ, Scientist
Green Valley Church of Christ, Scientist

What is Christian Science?

In 1879, the very first Church of Christ, Scientist church was founded in Massachusetts by Mary Baker Eddy, a devout Christian woman who led a movement to reinstate Christian healing in Christian churches. Click here for an overview.

Find out more about Christian Science and the worldwide activities and publications of the Church of Christ, Scientist at ChristianScience.com  English    Espanol     Francais     Deutsch

Talk with a Christian Science Practitioner

If you’d like to talk with a practitioner about the possibility of healing in your life, you can contact any of these men and women who have dedicated themselves to the full-time practice of Christian Science healing.

Caring for Christian Scientist

Educating, Caring, Giving
They are a vibrant Christian Scientist community devoted to healing, spiritual growth, and graceful living consistent with the teachings and practice of Christian Science.
They have information about estate planning, Medicare, and long term care.

Links to Arden Wood website
**Arden Wood Planning Ahead
**Health Care including Financial Information and Financial Assistance.
**Medicare for Christian Scientists
**Resource Links which includes information on Medicare, AHCD Resources (Advance Health Care Directive), Long-term Care and Estate Planning.

Inspirational Talks sponsored by Arden Wood.
Inspirational Talk Transcripts sponsored by Arden Wood.

The RiperYears website was created to provide a central online location where senior Christian Scientists and family members or friends (who might be assisting them) can find useful information.
This site offers information on housing, personal or household assistance, Christian Science nursing and care facilities, insurance, legal issues related to health care, and more.

Services for Riper Year
**Help at Home
**Christian Science Care
**Finances & Advance Directives

Christian Science Nursing Care

Christian Science nursing is a practical, spiritual ministry that actively supports an individual’s decision to rely on Christian Science for healing. Nurses provide skillful, practical assistance and care with compassion, wisdom, and prayer — to meet individual needs.
Find a Christian Science Nurse near you.

Christian Science Nursing Facility

Desert View Christian Science Care is a Christian Science nursing facility, located in the Scottsdale, AZ, offering non-medical nursing care.

Christian Science Nurse Connections

Christian Science Nurse Facility Directory

Christian Science Committee for Institutional Work

Christian Science Committee for Institutional Work in Washington State
Christian Scientists have been serving as religious workers in Washington state institutions and care facilities for decades. They support residents of local jails, state prisons, mental institutions, juvenile homes and care facilities through a variety of activities.
You are welcome to visit the (CSCIWA) website for more information about the incredible work being offered.

David Fowler Talk at CSIWA 2023 Annual Meeting

Mary Baker Eddy and Institutional Work by David Coughtry, Archivist

Embraced:Fully Success for Returning Citizens
Embraced Fully is a non-profit organization devoted to supporting those who found Christian Science while incarcerated with a support system to help them successfully re-enter society.
We accomplish this through faith-based volunteers who offer proven pre-release and post-release programs.

Find out more about this extraordinary work being offered.

Christian Science Committee for Institutional Work in Arizona
P.O. Box 21312 * Mesa, AZ 85277
Email: azprisonwork@aol.com

Many Institutional Committee workers participate in jails and prisons. They write letters to inmates, visit, promote spiritual healing where requested, give instruction to help character development, and act as liaisons for inmate’s churches. There are also opportunities to visit in VA hospitals, rehabilitation centers, senior facilities among others.